第4回支倉セミナー”The Aesthetics of the Italian Landscape in Comparison with some Aspects of the Japanese Aesthetics of Landscape

日時 2019.5.21 13:00~14:30
場所 文学研究科棟208講義室MAP
主催 日本学国際共同大学院
Prof. Dr. Raffaele Milani
Full Professor of Aesthetics in the Department of Education Sciences at the University of Bologna, visiting professor in different universities and the author of numerous books, including The Aesthetic Categories, The Art of the Landscape, The Faces of Grace. Philosophy, Art, and Nature, The Art of the City, some of which have been translated in various languages and awarded International Prizes. He is Director of the “Laboratory for Research on the Cities and Landscapes”.  Books he authored include The Aesthetic Exploitation of Landscape (1999), which was translated into Japanese (『風景の美学』 2014年、ブリュッケ).
For centuries the Italian landscape was the model of an aesthetic ideal, the object of a true quest for beauty. Promoting such a perspective especially in the 18th century, the Grand Tour highlighted and celebrated the excellence of the Italian landscape: the convergence of myth, nature, culture, and history. The lecture proposes to illustrate the development of this model while comparing with some aspects of the Japanese Aesthetics of Landscape………….