※【開催中止】東北アジア研究センター特別講演会・第12回支倉セミナー China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Polar region

日時 2022.12.13 16:30~18:00
場所 東北アジア研究センター大会議室(436室)+オンライン併用MAP
主催 主催:東北大学東北アジア研究センター・ArCSII社会文化課題
講演題目:China’s Belt and Road Initiative in the Polar region
講師: Matti Nojonen先生 ラップランド大学教授 (中国研究)講師紹介
言語:英語 同時通訳あり
Concepts play a critical role in Chinese politics. Basically, all previous concepts in Chinese politics operated within the Chinese borders. Belt and Road initiative is the first Chinese concept that operates on global scale, and it causesconcern in Western and East Asian democracies. BRI is regarded to be the flagship foreign policy and investmentinitiative and “child” of Xi Jinping that is enshrined even in the Constitution of Chinese Communist Party.
The conceptof BRI, like other Chinese policy concepts, has its own peculiarities. It is a functional concept that embraces number ofother concepts, like Health, Digital, Tourism, Sports BRI’s and naturally the Polar Silk Road initiative. Furthermore, theactual BRI is vaguely defined, it lacks centralized coordinative organization and an open coherent strategy and yet orbecause of that, it provides fast loopholes for local actors to invest abroad by claiming to represent official BRI.Underneath this uncoordinated pragmatic driven plasticity, we can recognize that BRI is an efficient tool of Beijing’s“peripheral diplomacy” strategy (since 2014) aiming at generating friendly relations (or economically tying) closestneighboring countries to China – thus having direct security related consequences. The Northern Polar region forms aparticular context for the BRI and peripheral diplomacy as China has no land or maritime possessions in the regionand must collaborate both in bilateral and multilateral platforms with Arctic states. China’s ambitions in the region canbe divided into scientific research, gaining access to natural resources, sea-route and maritime infrastructure buildingand naturally security related issues. However, the unfolding Ukrainian war is reshaping the already challenging Sino-Russian relations in overall terms – eventually making China the single most important foreign trade partner forRussia, and this naturally, will have impact on China’s Polar policies or visions on the Polar region.